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Focused on helping you achieve distinction in the subject.
For productive learning you can choose one to one home tuition or pair or group tuition.
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5 Outstanding Economics Tutors.
Students now need to read from a wide range of sources to consistently update and constantly accumulate information about economic activities and policies at national level and in the international arena, especially our own Singapore economy, as well as the latest and most current global events.
They also need to be able to see the connection in what they study in economic principles and theories and then to be able to apply them to their daily lives, eg, the government's policy on cigarette smoking and how much taxes should be imposed on cigarettes, and how these affect our daily lives in the real world.
That is students need to be able to see the link between economic theory and real lives because ultimately economic events and issues gyrate around people's daily lives.
And students must be apt in applying the concepts that they have learnt in any given context through sound economic reasoning, analysis and evaluation on policy decisions and economic issues.
These are neccessay requirements in the present economic syllabus.
1. Our tutors teach only Economics and focus on teaching it well. They have their own resources and notes.
2. Focused on helping you achieve distinction in the subject.
3. They have many years of teaching experience as a private tutor. They will be able to direct your strengths and weaknesseses thus improving on your results.
4. They are very skilful and experienced in the teaching of concepts.
5. Our tutors will be able to guide you towards effective exam questions answering techniques. They adopt straightforward, time saving, exam smart and efficient techniques.
6. 1 to 1 or very small group or pair teaching makes it very conducive for learning and you will receive peerless attention. Students are stimulated to think to be able to defend an argument!
7. Our tutors can show their educational certificates to the parent upon request on the tutor's first lesson with the student.
8. Through our tutors committedness and dedication and exam oriented focused way of teaching, they maximise every student's latent abilities and many students saw distinct improvement in their scores.
9. They know the current, up-to-date A level economics syllabus.
Find an Excellent Economics Home Tutor from us now!
They are experienced, well qualified and are carefully screened and have years of experience.
Ensure that you do well throughout your in the tertiary education.
CALL or SMS/Whatsapp 97271478 now!
Or contact us on our CONTACT page.
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We will get back to you with the most suitable tutor for you.
The following are just a few of our tutors and their profiles.
Bachelor of Arts in Economics NUS 2009
Master of Science in International Political Economy NTU 2014
Full time economics tutor.
Years of tuition Experience
10 years
Tuition in
Teaching Methodolgy
Has his own resources.
Adopts a variety of teaching methodology such as
- ppt notes
- model answers and
- self-created notes
Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial & Systems Engineering) with Honours NUS 2013
Full time economics tutor.
Years of tuition Experience
7 years
Tuition In
Teaching Methodology
Straightforward, time saving, exam smart and efficient.
Free study materials/notes provided that relate to reality so that application skills can be applied.
Free round the clock replies to sms/email queries to guide and clarify doubts even after tuition hours.
Joleen Tan, NYJC, 2015, H2 Scored an A for A Levels
"I never liked Economics. I was always unable to grasp the concepts and understand the topic, evidently from me constantly getting a U grade in school and an S even up till prelims. He showed me the light and helped me got an A for A levels. His humour also makes lessons interesting and engaging. As he is approachable and friendly, I felt comfortable to ask questions unlike in school. He is also a dedicated tutor who takes time out to mark my work and answer my questions even outside of lesson time."
Reina Goh, NYJC, 2015 Scored an A for A Levels
"Even though I was very econs-challenged and asked alot of questions, he always answered them to the point and succintly, and always made sure that I understand it. CSQ will really be easy after he teaches you how to idenify the requirements for each questions. He will clearly tell you how to answer essay questions and how to get evaluation marks. I managed to get a C in my prelims (if I recall correctly I had only attended his tuition for 1 month then) and then an A for my As."
Mr Ang
Degree of Bachelor of Business First Class Honours NTU 1999.
Received his teaching training in the National Institute of Education.
Awarded the Post Graduate Diploma in Education PGDE with credit in 2011.
Studied in Raffles Institution. GCE O Level 1989 9 Distinctions out of 9 subjects.
Studied in Hwa Chong Junior College.
GCE A Level 1991 Distinction in Economics 'Special' Paper.
Awarded Tan Sri Dr Runme Shaw Scholarship.
Recipient of People's Scholarship Fund PSF Scholarship Awards.
Recipient of KPMG Peat Marwick Gold Medal Award.
Full time tutor.
Years of Tuition Experience
More than 20 years.
Tuition In
Teaching Methodology
A 4 STEP PROCESS - A flexible process where each student's profile is considered!
1. Understand the knowledge domain in everyday terms. Distills difficult concepts into easy to understand terms.
2. How to apply understanding and knowledge to answer exam questions in proper terminology. Teaches exam smart techniques in applying knowledge and anwering questions.
3. Getting down to relevant specifics. And establishing linkages between topics.
4. In Exam Mode. Students are both guided and at the same time led to independent note-taking, interpreting questions, and practice with time limit imposed. In Focus are also Exam Techniques.
Has his own notes that relate what is taught in school to reality so that application skills can be applied.
Has his own practice papers.
Provides model essays and case study notes.
Gives personal mobile number to all his students for easy contact so that students can sms their questions on Economics and he can then guide them to clarify doubts.
Mr Ng
Bachelor of Science With First Class Honours in Economics from The London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) 2009.
Years of Experience
He has been giving economics tuition for more than 6 years. His overseas studies (2006 to 2009) at the London School of Economics, has allowed him to understand economics from various international perspectives. As such he finds that his familiarity and depth of knowledge of the subject contribute greatly to explain concepts clearly.
Tuition In
Teaching Methodology
The study of Economics now demands also a qualitative approach, that is students must be stimulated to think and be able defend to an argument.
He believes his strong point is that he can get students to speak, to start to defend themselves, to have their own viewpoint and opinion. This is in order to get to the next level. That is, the student from this will learn how to develop his or her own stand on Economic issues using economic theory, empirical evidence and sound analytical abilities. These analytical skills and evaluation skills are the very skills required to score in the 'A' Level Exams.
To him the Key Performance Indicator is that the student takes Economics in University.
He believes he can help students develop a deep interest in the subject and when thus inspired, students excel in the exams.
Brandon Koh (AJC, scored A for Econs in 2015 'A' Level Examinations)
"Initially, the poor grades I obtained for my Econs exams made me dread the subject. Through his thorough explanations with the use of current and real world examples as well as his encouragement to make us discuss and evaluate concepts and ideas more deeply, I started to appreciate the subject. This developed my evaluation skills which proved essential in the exam. In the end, the A grade I finally obtained during my 'A' levels is a testament to his effective teaching style and his capabilities as a tutor!:)"
Ong Pei Wen (HCI, scored A for Econs in 2015 'A' Level Examinations)
"Mr Ng's lessons taught me to appreciate economics and to see its applications in daily life. My interest in economics has grown and I am able to use my skills and concepts to better understand the world."
Genieve Wong, 2nd year SIM Economics
"Economics is a tough subject and like many students, I struggled with it. I actually failed my eonomics in my 1st year of uni because I lack the understanding and my explanation wasn't as good. After only about a few weeks of tutoring, I had a much better understanding of the basics and concepts behind economics. He often uses day to day examples for his explanation which most people can relate to, and that is what makes economics easy to understand and comprehend. As time passed by, my interest in economics grew and I was looking forward to the weekly tutoring sessions. He had actually "converted" a person like me who doesn't really like economics, to a person who wants to know more about not only what is in the syllabus but also the world economy as a whole. ... I wouldn't have been able to pass my economics let alone getting a fairly good result."
Rachel Tan, 1st Year SIM Economics
"Initially, I thought I had been coping well with Intro to Econs. It was only when I started attempting the past year papers that I realised I was unable to even start on any of the questions. This was less than 3 months to the major exam - when I realized I wasn't even close in achieving a pass.
He is also exceptionally patient and is willing to repeat his explanations and provides day to day examples that enables me to grasp the whole concept easily. With just a few sessions of tutoring, I gained a better understanding of how I should approach the exam questions. This helped in boosting my confidence greatly.
His patience, motivation, and organised and methodical approach to teaching helped me to learn, understand and make tangible progress in Economics. I strongly believe he would be a 'strong asset' to anyone who's facing difficulties in this particular subject."
Bachelor of Arts 1996
Bachelor of Social Sciences with Honours in Economics 1997
Masters in Business Administration NUS 2007
Post Graduate Diploma in Education NIE 2010
Years of Experience
15 years as a private tutor
6 years as a current MOE certified school teacher
Tuition In
Teaching Methodology
Customised Approach according to student's strengths and weaknesses.
Focuses on analysis of application of economic theory and evalulation.
Exam-oriented. Exam questions answering techniques
Has her own notes and materials that relate what is taught in school to reality so that application skills can be applied.
Has her own practice papers.
Provides model essays and case study notes.
Gives personal mobile number to her students so that they can sms their questions on Econs and she can then guide them to clarify doubts, even after tuition hours.
Call Sms Whatsapp 97271478 NOW!
Or contact us on our CONTACT page.
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